Tamin Darou (also known as Tamin Daroo) is a diverse player in the health and cosmetic products,

Personal care and cosmetic in Iran, focusing on value-added products which are ubiquitous, reliable and handy in Iran. We have perfected unique distribution routes to all main shopping stores under superintendence of our pundits at the department of sale and marketing with conspicuous monthly sales growth rate. We have established a network of strategic alliances with acclaimed manufacturers both nationally or internationally which have the capabilities to ascend from laboratory to commercial scale in accordance with quality specifications under strictest regulation rules of Iran’s health ministry and commerce.

Personal care and cosmetic in Iran, focusing on value-added products which are ubiquitous, reliable and handy in Iran. We have perfected unique distribution routes to all main shopping stores under superintendence of our pundits at the department of sale and marketing with conspicuous monthly sales growth rate.  We have established a network of strategic alliances with acclaimed manufacturers both nationally or internationally which have the capabilities to ascend from laboratory to commercial scale in accordance with quality specifications under strictest regulation rules of Iran’s health ministry and commerce.

Tamin Darou has formidable penetration and distribution in the Iran and is responsible for developing proprietary products for its Specialty Class and Department Store Clients for whom we paved the way with unique and innovative programs. In addition, Tamin Darou manufactures its own products on a contract basis on behalf of reputable international companies and marketing houses. Our organization is a leading provider of personal care products, and remains the logical choice for customers wishing to purchase high integrity products and unique, proprietary packaging at the most competitive value.

It has been the Tamin Darou primary goal to be different from others by embracing the forefront of current trends & innovation for quality products. The priority is to provide cutting-edge Health care products, innovative marketing, impeccable customer service and ingredient-driven products education to all our professional clients.

Tamin Darou‘s success is measured by the commitment to our customers and their long-term relationships with us.
